Our recognised product certifications not only guarantee the highest quality, but also demonstrate our commitment to corporate social responsibility. The process we are currently going through to achieve R3 status and our commitment to CSR demonstrates our concern for both our employees and the environment.
Certifications and industry association
ER/OPK certificate
The ER/OPK certificate, specifically for the paper recycling industry, contains elements of ISO 9001 and 14001. This system certificate focuses on environmental aspects, quality systems and occupational health and safety and is fully tailored to the waste paper sector. Unlike ISO certification, where companies create their own procedures, the OPK procedures specifically address risks in the paper recycling industry. We perform annual internal audits on our quality manual and undergo an annual audit by Kiwa.
PRN affiliation
VIHB certificate
VIHB stands for ‘Vervoerders, Inzamelaars, Handelaars en Bemiddelaars’ (Transport Operators, Collectors, Traders, and Agents). The certificate is essential for companies in the Netherlands that transport, collect, trade, and/or broker waste. This certificate is issued by NIWO, the Dutch national and international road transport organisation, and is a requirement under Dutch law. It is a testament to our professionalism and reliability and reassures our customers that we are a qualified and reputable company.
CO2 awareness certificate level 3
The CO2 Performance Ladder is a tool to encourage companies participating in tenders to act in a CO2-conscious manner in their operations and the implementation of projects. This includes saving energy, making efficient use of materials, and using renewable energy. For this reason, we are proud to hold a Level 3 CO2 awareness certificate.
In 2023 we achieved a significant reduction, partly by increasing our use of green energy. More information about this reduction can be found below at “CO2 Performance Ladder”.
Cinergie green certificate
This certificate represents 100% green electricity. It guarantees that the electricity is entirely from renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro, or biomass. The purpose of this certificate is to encourage the transition to renewable energy and help reduce CO2 emissions. In doing so, we actively support the production of renewable energy with Kempenaars Recycling B.V. and Kempenaars Plastic Recycling B.V., thus contributing to a more environmentally friendly energy landscape.
Nedvang recognition
We know how important it is for municipalities to work with a reliable waste partner to recycle the packaging they collect. Our recognition by Nedvang underlines our commitment to quality and efficiency in the collection and recycling process. Nedvang stands for: ‘Nederland Van Afval Naar Grondstof’ (The Netherlands From Waste To Resource).
Our Nedvang accreditation guarantees that the packaging we collect is recycled responsibly and effectively, contributing to the municipality’s sustainability goals. This recognition is a testament to our reliability and transparency. We offer local authorities the reassurance of a qualified partner for their waste management and recycling ambitions.
NRK Recycling lid
CO2 Performance Ladder
The CO2 Performance Ladder is a Dutch sustainability tool that supports both companies and governments in reducing CO2 emissions and costs. This happens at different levels: within operations, projects, and the entire chain. The Ladder acts as both a carbon management system and a tool for tendering. We would be happy to tell you more about the sustainability measures we have implemented using the CO2 Performance Ladder.
In 2023 we achieved a significant reduction, partly by increasing our use of green energy. In this infographic you can find the reduction of our carbon foodprint in 2022 and 2023.

Corporate social responsibility
At Kempenaars, we take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seriously. Our strategy is set out in our conceptual CSR handbook. This handbook defines our sustainability goals and metrics through KPIs which are in line with international standards such as ISO 26000 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It focuses on practical measures and monitors our progress, working towards a positive impact on society and the environment.

Are you ready to take control of your waste management? We would love to discuss the best solutions for you!